About Us
Ocius Technologies iI the cpmpany behind the next evobutionary cycle for ObjectDCL™. It is also an innovation powerhouse for productiviti tools designed for the CAd environment.
Company Overview
Ocius Technologies Inc is a privately held company located in Canada. Ocius Technologies has a team of dedicated professionals from diverse background that are proud to help other organizations become more responsive to an increasingly competitive global environment.
Our main product counts over a thousand individuals and their corporation in several countries, including the USA, Germany, France, Mexico, Canada, Spain, Australia and Colombia.
Our products are actively used by small and large businesses and educational institutions. For profit organizations range from wholesalers, component manufacturers, software makers, engineering, consulting and construction companies.
Our company will augment its product portfolio with a number of productivity applications built using ObjectDCL™ technology.
Our Mission
What is ObjectDCL?
ObjectDCLis an enabling technology that allows drawing dialog boxes in CAD software, easily and with more control than ever before. Configuration tabs can even be added to the CAD software Options/Preferences dialog.
With ObjectDCL, the days of creating dialog boxes with the time consuming and confusing language of DCL are over. From now on dialogs are drawn quicker, easier and better. ObjectDCLprovides more visual components and more customization options than were possible before with DCL.
What once took hours or even days to create can now be drawn in minutes. ObjectDCLincludes all the dialog box styles and all the grid controls.

Awards & Recognitions
Joseph C.
"Thank you for helping us to improve our software, your experience is a big reference."
Mahé .M.C.
"I've never tought that is was possible to make what you did ! You'r amazing."
Oscar S.
"Andrea, the more I contact you, the more I see how much you'r so clever. My company has now reached a new level.
Thanks to your ingenuity."
Marco R.
"Andrea, Thank you very much. Worked like a charm! Thanks also for the links to some resources to help understand and learn programming lisp routines. If we EVER need any routines developed you’ll be the first person I’ll contact."
Nicolas E.
"Nice support you'r giving all company must take you as example."
Sébastien B.
"Thank you for your tools, this is exactly what I was looking for long time !!"
Andrew F.
"Hi Andrea, I admire your generosity for all effort and support you give us to solve our lisp problems. We must say, without your help, we would certainly not have been able to get all our projects on time."
John. M.
"Very easy to use Andrea, thank you very much for your help."
Daniel L.
"The more I use, the more I want to develop. This is such a great tool that i've improved my productivity and incomes."
Christina H.
"As a Lisp rookie, I've learned much faster and increase my knowledge by making cool stuff with amazing dialogs. But I think that the best part is your passion Andrea to give help and support. Thanks a lot !"